Community Survey: Planning for Winneshiek’s Clean Energy Future

Community Survey: Planning for Winneshiek’s Clean Energy Future

In the weeks to come WED will engage in a strategic planning process. Help us plan for the next several years of clean energy progress in Winneshiek County with this 6 minute survey.  Your input will help us be as effective as possible in reaching WED’s mission to lead, implement and accelerate the locally-owned clean energy transition. No matter if you’re a long time follower, or new to our mission, your feedback

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Decorah Votes for Local Power…Again!

Decorah Votes for Local Power…Again!

On March 4 Decorah residents will once again have the opportunity to decide their energy future during a city-wide election to “Establish a Municipal Electric Utility.” By voting “Yes!” citizens of Decorah take the first step in exploring the opportunity of a municipally owned electric utility (MEU). It’s a historic opportunity to prioritize local issues and make choices that are in the best interest of Decorah and it’s citizens, and the broader

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In Gratitude this Winter Solstice

It’s during the darkest days of the year I find myself most grateful for modern energy systems.  Can you relate?  When temperatures plummet and daylight is scarce That’s when the brilliance of electricity or warmth of a functioning furnace is a Big Deal. On a frigid night, it can almost feel magical.  But it’s not magical. A lot goes on behind the scenes in the mostly-invisible world of energy.  We

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The IRA: A New Year, New Incentives (Including IRA Program Fact Sheets)

Paul Cutting, Energy Planner The first of many new IRA-related tax credits and incentives came into effect January 1, 2023, and include new and updated tax credits for solar, battery storage, heat pumps, electric vehicles and more. We’re also excited about two electrification and efficiency rebate programs, and anticipate they will come into effect sometime late this year or early 2024. Solar, Battery Backup, Wind and Geothermal Tax Credits Following

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EV Tourism in Northeast Iowa, an opportunity for Rural Iowa to get on the Map

by Josh Dansdill, RC&D Business Development Project Director I was recently asked, what did you learn upon completing an EV Tourism Study for Northeast Iowa? The first word that came to my mind was, opportunity. An opportunity for Northeast Iowa to claim itself as an EV-friendly vacation destination. It seems that many communities and regions have yet to connect to the electric vehicle market especially in the Midwest. With Northeast

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Expect High Home Heating Costs This Winter

by Paul Cutting, Energy Planner Get ready, it may cost a lot more to heat your home this winter. The convergence of a multitude of factors, including the war in Ukraine, a summer of unprecedented heat and electricity demand, diminished seasonal natural gas reserves, record exports of liquified natural gas, impending price caps on Russian energy, and continued fallout from the February 2021 Texas energy meltdown are all aligning to

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The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: An Iowa Perspective

By Andy Johnson, Executive Director The Inflation Reduction Act, aka the Schumer-Manchin climate deal, is historic – for a clean energy transition, rural prosperity, climate stewardship, economic and environmental justice, and for future generations. For great coverage of the entire bill, see Canary Media, the Bipartisan Policy Center, Rewiring America, and elsewhere. Even better, we encourage clean energy afficionados to listen to these three recent episodes of the podcast Volts:

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Get Charged Up! EV Event

  Join us October 13 for the Northeast Iowa Get Charged Up! EV Event!  A line up of subject matter experts and panel discussions will introduce attendees to community electric vehicle (EV) readiness, EV fleet transitions, charging infrastructure deployment, funding opportunities and more.  Also check out the EV exhibit, Ride and Drive opportunity, and vendors. Our goal is to bring engagement around this expanding technology to our local communities so

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Celebrating the Old and the New: Sustainability at Vesterheim

Maddi MacDonald, Green Iowa Americorps It was a great pleasure to welcome Chris Johnson, President/CEO of Vesterheim, on 06.21.22 to speak about the Vesterheim expansion and energy projects. Vesterheim is the National Norwegian-American Museum and Folk Art School here in the heart of Decorah, with a history dating back to 1877. Starting as a small collection on Luther’s campus, Vesterheim has grown to be a pinnacle point for this community.

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