WED Resources:

Electrification Slideshow What we think you should know about electrification, these are slides from the September 2018 Energy Breakfast

Resources from the Web

Minnesota Public Radio: A group of utilities, state regulators and environmental groups released a report showing it’s possible — with existing technology — for electricity generation in the midcontinent to be carbon-free by 2050.  Read the full article.

The Key to tackling Climate Change: Electrify Everything. By David Roberts. An excellent summary.

National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)  Electrification U.S. Department of Energy

Economics of Electrifying Buildings Rocky Mountain Institute

PV and Minisplit Heat Pumps: A Case Study Home Power Magazine.

Efficiency Heat and Cool with Air Source Heat Pumps Clean Energy Resource Teams

Utility/EPRI take on electrification opportunity GreenTechMedia