Kristin Eggen, Communications Specialist This month, I caught up with Josie and Travis from Decorah Bicycles (DB) to hear about their E-Bikes, a new form of bicycle transportation that could be an innovative tool for those looking to decrease the carbon footprint of their around-town transportation. KE: Hi Josie, I’ve recently noticed a sign advertising E-bikes at Decorah Bicycles. I’m just going to ask straight out: what is an E-bike?
Dale Goodman, Decorah Resident In the summer of 2014, I was outside building a retaining wall while Decorah Electric was installing a solar array across the street on the roof of First Lutheran Church. I paused and watched frequently. My wife, Susan, and I had been advocates for clean energy for a long time, but we had never been in a position to invest in it ourselves. Now we could.
DECORAH – The Winneshiek Energy District, KAR Auto Group, Decorah Bank and Trust, and 100.5 KDEC have joined forces to bring northeast Iowa’s premier electric vehicle festival to the Winneshiek County Fairgrounds on June 2 from 11 AM to 3 PM. Fest(EV)al will offer relevant workshops, informative displays, refreshments, and an attractive lineup of electric vehicles to view for anyone interested in or curious about electric vehicles. The Danan Lansing
Emily Osborne, Green Iowa AmeriCorps Audit Coordinator Got a bored teenager and want to lower your energy bills? If so, here is a quick list of opportunities to kill two birds with one stone! Make natural cleaners. As our nation transitions to a chemical-free food system, why not apply the same mentality towards our cleaning supplies? Creating your personal cleaner reduces your home’s exposure to unknown chemicals, helps the environment,
Mark your calendar: June 2, 2018 | 11 AM – 3 PM Danan Lansing Building, Winneshiek County Fairgrounds Join Winneshiek Energy District, area dealerships, and local partners for an electric vehicle car show with a variety of makes and models to view, workshops, activities, and more! What are electric vehicles all about? What makes and models are available in the region? How far can you get with one? How much do they
Iowa has a proud tradition as a national leader in energy efficiency. We’re a thrifty people with a can-do spirit, and we understand the reality and impact of “a penny saved is a penny earned”. With energy efficiency, millions saved do represent millions in the pockets of Iowa citizens and communities. Given our proud tradition and decades of success, you might say that energy efficiency is as “Iowan” as motherhood
Have a drafty house? Interested in a free blower door test, and direct installation of money-saving LED lighting and water measures? Our Green Iowa AmeriCorps team is taking signups for ALL area households interested in their services. Fill out our form and a team member will be in touch to schedule your energy assessment.
Solar Update Two critical Iowa solar policies need your support this legislative session: Net Metering and Tax Credits. You can act now: visit our legislator page, then call or email your state Senator and Representative with two simple messages: 1. Keep Iowa’s tax credits in place and raise the caps. The Production Tax Credit (PTC, for larger projects) expires this year and should be extended. The Investment Tax Credit (up-front,
Decorah (IA) – The concept of the City of Decorah becoming its own municipal electrical utility (MEU) was presented to the Decorah City Council’s utility committee on Monday night. The presentation was made by Decorah Power, a new non-profit comprised of Decorah area residents formed to explore the option. “This is about opportunities”, stated Decorah Power President Larry Grimstad in introduction. “There are significant economic and sustainability opportunities for a
It’s official: a group of local citizens representing many sectors of society have formed a non-profit organization called Decorah Power to investigate formation of a Decorah Municipal Electric Utility (MEU). With 180 consumer-owned utilities in Iowa (136 MEUs and 44 rural electric co-ops), Iowan’s understand the value of locally-owned utilities serving and reinvesting in their communities. Decorah Power presented the option to the Decorah City Council’s utility committee Monday evening.