
Sustainable Kids: Holiday Edition

Oneota Coop Kitchen Classroom 312 W Water Street, Decorah

This is a collaborative offering between Green Iowa AmeriCorps and the Oneota Co-op Kitchen Classroom and is focused on 3rd and 4th-grade students (though students in other grades are also welcome to join). This after-school program is composed of three class sessions, centered around teaching kids ways in which they can practice sustainable living, specifically around the holidays. We will discuss recycling and decorate our own recyclable wrapping paper, reuse

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Clayton County Energy Breakfast: Electric Vehicles

Johnson's Restaurant, Elkader 916 High Street, Elkader

The Clayton County Energy District is hosting an Electric Vehicle Clean Energy Breakfast! You are invited to a learning opportunity Friday, December 14, 8:00 a.m. at Johnson's Restaurant, Elkader. Featured Speakers: CCED Program Manager, Joleen Jansen will  present, "Why the time is now to consider Electric Vehicles EV's" Forest Brown of Brown's Sales & Leasing will talk EV availability and reality in Clayton County Dr. Jim Osterhaus - CCED Board Chairman will tell his

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Free – $10