Latest Past Events

Clean Energy Home Tour

Winneshiek Couty, Iowa IA

Winneshiek Energy District is excited to partner with several Decorah area homeowners for self-guided tours of energy efficient building practices. Walk, bike, or drive to as many as you can in an afternoon (or perhaps all!) and come away inspired to implement new clean energy practices at your own home. Participants are free to come and go as they please, and homeowners will be on-site to share their experiences. This self-guided

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All Electric Everything at the Decorah Farmers Market

Winneshiek Farmers Market 312 W Water St, Decorah

In celebration of International Clean Air Day, come explore all things ⚡electric⚡at the Decorah Farmers Market through hands-on demonstrations. Converting to high efficiency electric appliances in your home helps your wallet, air quality, and the environment!  View  demonstrations and learn about financial incentives available to you.