Proposed Bill Will Kill Iowa’s Solar Industry, Trample Iowan’s Energy Freedom

Proposed Bill Will Kill Iowa’s Solar Industry, Trample Iowan’s Energy Freedom

Iowa House Republicans have introduced a long-awaited bill to kill net metering as we know it in Iowa. The bill was apparently drafted by MidAmerican Energy and will likely be supported by Alliant Energy, as both have aggressively attempted to overturn net metering in the past. Read the details below, and ask your Iowa Representative and Senator for a clear statement in opposition to HSB 185. Attend their weekend listening

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Help plan northeast Iowa’s second annual Electric Vehicle Fair

Help plan northeast Iowa’s second annual Electric Vehicle Fair

Now seeking energetic (get it?), creative, and passionate EV enthusiasts to help plan this year’s 2019 Electric Vehicle Fest(EV)al and Fair. Last year’s premier event was a huge success and we’re looking forward to another great June event. Are you interested in helping craft an exciting and educational event for our community? Contact

WANTED: Owner-Occupied Homes for Free Energy Assessments

WANTED: Owner-Occupied Homes for Free Energy Assessments

Kristin Eggen, Communications Specialist Partnership is a beautiful thing. The Regional Housing Trust Fund (RHTF) partners with the Winneshiek Energy District to bring qualifying homeowners in Northeast Iowa FREE home energy assessments. Do you know of an owner-occupied, single family home with an annual income of less than $50,450?  You can help them save money and decrease the home’s carbon footprint. Have them call our office today to schedule an RHTF-sponsored energy assessment. It will save them money, help

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Energy Efficiency Day on the Hill

Energy Efficiency Day on the Hill

Andy Johnson, Director Calling all clean energy and shop-local advocates: the first every Energy Efficiency day at the state capitol is next Tuesday, January 22. WED is coordinating ride-sharing; email Joel Zook if you’re interested. According to the US Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency could save customers over $2 trillion  by 2030. Yes you heard that right, energy efficiency holds massive, almost unlimited potential for keeping energy dollars local. Your grandma’s

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Cedar Rapids Sustainability Coordinator Visits Decorah

Cedar Rapids Sustainability Coordinator Visits Decorah

You are invited to Eric Holthaus, Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Cedar Rapids, to learn about Cedar Rapids’ sustainability initiatives. Holthaus will be the featured speaker at Energy Breakfast, Tuesday, January 15th at 7:30 AM at T-Bock’s Underground. He will cover topics including the development of the city’s Municipal Sustainability Plan, becoming a STAR Certified Community, and projects in waste reduction, solar, biking, and green yards. Since joining the

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Cedar Rapids Sustainability Coordinator Plans Visit to Decorah

Cedar Rapids Sustainability Coordinator Plans Visit to Decorah

You are invited to Eric Holthaus, Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Cedar Rapids, to learn about Cedar Rapids’ sustainability initiatives. Holthaus will be the featured speaker at Energy Breakfast, Tuesday, January 15th at 7:30 AM at T-Bock’s Underground. He will cover topics including the development of the city’s Municipal Sustainability Plan, becoming a STAR Certified Community, and projects in waste reduction, solar, biking, and green yards. Since joining the

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Register for Energy Breakfast with Steve Falck

Join the Environmental Law and Policy Center’s(ELPC) Senior Policy Advocate Steve Falck at T-bock’s Sports Bar and Grille for a conversation about local energy policy on December 18th. Mr. Falck will provide an overview of energy policy for the upcoming legislative session. He will also discuss opportunities for energy efficiency and renewable energy policy, which policies could be under attack, and how locally-led Energy Districts can help.    Steve Falck

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Boots on the Ground: Citizen’s Climate Lobby

Boots on the Ground: Citizen’s Climate Lobby

Amy Bouska, Howard County Energy District, Citizen’s Climate Lobby It’s only half a mile between the Hart Senate Office Building and the Longworth House Office Building, but when you add in a security check and getting lost in the labyrinthine buildings on both ends, it takes 15-20 minutes of fast walking each way.  Of course, my appointments in November were House, Senate, House, Senate. I think of it as the

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Iowa Clean Energy Policy Update

Iowa Clean Energy Policy Update

Andy Johnson, Director   OK we’re past the mid-terms, what is the picture for clean energy policy in Iowa? Not great, frankly, but here are two priorities we can all – whatever your ideology – get to work on, and one long-shot, alley-oop shout-out to Republicans with clean energy leadership inclinations. First priority: Restore full funding to the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). The WAP is a comprehensive home energy improvement

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