Browsing Rewiring America’s website, it’s easy to get excited about the potential benefits of home electrification. Heat pumps, induction stoves, ventless heat pump clothes dryers, breaker boxes, rooftop solar, EVs, etc. All relatively straightforward, and most–with Inflation Reduction Act incentives–cheap and easy. Right? In reality, not so fast. I was recently contacted by a Decorah couple to provide some recommendations for home electrification. The couple had the money and were
Tour area homes and learn about solar installations, heat pumps, energy efficiency, and sustainable building practices! Winneshiek Energy District is excited to partner with six Decorah area homeowners for self-guided tours, Saturday, June 10th from 1-4pm. Visit as many as you can in an afternoon (or perhaps all!) and come away inspired to implement these practices at your own home. Participants are free to come and go as they please,
by Paul Cutting, Energy Planner On March 21st, WED hosted an Energy Lunch to discuss how the new direct pay option allows non taxable entities to take advantage of the 30% federal renewable energy refundable tax credit! Organizations like schools, nonprofits, churches and local governments are now able to capture the full value of the 30% federal tax credit, putting renewable energy projects like PV solar, geothermal, wind, EV vehicle
by Paul Cutting, Energy Planner A few weeks back a Decorah homeowner asked me to help locate air leaks in their flat roofed, mid-century home. We picked a cold day, where the temperature difference between the interior and exterior were great, and used the blower door to suck air out of the house and an infrared camera to find breaks in the building envelope. This particular house was built with
Paul Cutting, Energy Planner Most of us probably understand the general concept and benefits of home electrification. Electrify all aspects of our daily lives–from space heating, water heating, home cooking, to transportation–while at the same time increasing the share of renewables on the power grid. After all, in 2021 about 57% of Iowa’s power mix came from renewables. Grid power aside, electrification presents many challenges and expenses beyond just the
By Paul Cutting, Energy Planner Ductless heat pumps are exciting for their potential to serve as low-cost, straightforward and simple solutions to home heating electrification. As the name implies, ductless heat pumps use interior units that have incorporated evaporator coils and blowers to deliver heating and cooling to interior spaces. You’ve likely seen interior mini split style wall units that hang close to a ceiling. Along with wall units, there
Air source heat pumps powered by electricity (from here on out referred to as heat pumps) and used in conjunction with propane furnaces or as standalone units have significant operational and carbon savings benefits compared to only using propane. Compared to electric resistance heating, air source heat pumps are significantly cheaper to run. And compared to natural gas, heat pumps have comparable operating costs but significant carbon savings benefits.
by Paul Cutting, Energy Planner High energy bills are expected this year. (Read this article for an analysis of why.) What can you do to get ready? First of all, go after all the low hanging fruit like air sealing and making sure your furnace is in good working order. Generally speaking, the biggest sources of air intrusion/extrusion through a house are the basement and attic. In the basement, make
by Joel Zook, Energy Planner We’ve been asked recently why Black Hills natural gas bills are rising and continue to rise when the rate increase was a one-time deal, and was reported to be a relatively small one. The answer is complicated, but we’ll try to explain. Here are three take-aways: Yes, Black Hills recently raised their rates However, the larger impact on your home or business’s bills is due
Andy Johnson, Executive Director While it’s true that electric vehicles generally cost about half as much to drive in fuel compared to gasoline/diesel … We often get asked “are they really better for climate and the environment, given that fossil fuels still dominate electricity production, and batteries have a significant impact too?” The Union of Concerned Scientists has repeatedly demonstrated the lower fuel-related emissions of grid-powered EVs relative to gasoline