Bumps and Benefits of DIY Solar at NICC

Bumps and Benefits of DIY Solar at NICC

Kristin Eggen, Communications Join us for an energy lunch. While there are many amazing local solar installers, perhaps you’ve imagined installing your own solar panels? The Winneshiek Energy District and Northeast Iowa Community College invite the public to a lunchtime lecture “The Bumps and Benefits of DIY Solar” at NICC’s Wilder Business Center on Tuesday, October 15th at 12 PM.  The hour-long lunch-and-lecture will feature NICC’s Electrical Industrial instructor Jeff

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Tax Credits: Our Take

Tax Credits: Our Take

Andy Johnson, Executive Director With the potential phase-out of various tax credits, we’re often asked (or we offer) our perspective. Here it is, in brief. Renewable energy tax credits have worked: they have driven the scaling up of the industry, driven down costs, and driven market transformation and job creation, which to a large degree is what they’re meant to do. Tax credits are not an equitable approach to incentivizing a clean energy transition.

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Paris to Pittsburgh Screening – Success!

Paris to Pittsburgh Screening – Success!

On the evening of Saturday, September 21st, 2019 thirty-six people squeezed in the Oneota Co-op’s Kitchen Classroom to view the documentary “Paris to Pittsburgh.”  The 73-minute film explored America’s movement toward renewable, clean energy in the face of climate change catastrophes around the country. Stories from Miami to Ventura, from Pittsburgh to Puerto Rico showed how localities are responding to natural disasters caused by a changing climate.  It was a

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USDA Grant Opportunities for Clean Energy

USDA Grant Opportunities for Clean Energy

Are you a farm or small business owner looking for support for renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements? Or perhaps you’re simply curious about programs available to support rural communities? If so, September’s Energy Breakfast is one you won’t want to miss.  On Tuesday, September 17th at 7:30 AM at T-Bocks Underground join USDA Rural Development Program Specialist Norman Brus learn about the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).  REAP

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Seeking Green Iowa AmeriCorps Members

Seeking Green Iowa AmeriCorps Members

Are you looking for a “green” job? Do you love to serve others? Green Iowa AmeriCorps is currently seeking full-time service members for Fall 2019. Serve with us here at the Winneshiek Energy District or at one of the other sites across Iowa. Learn more and apply at greeniowaamericorps.org  

Electric Rates Matter To Every Community

Andy Johnson, Executive Director A coalition of entities called the “Decorah Area Group” (including your Energy District) is collaborating to oppose the dramatic increase in electric rates proposed by Alliant Energy earlier this year. This article will summarize the extensive set of testimony submitted recently to the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB), provide links for you to dig as deeply as you desire, and explain where the process goes from here.

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2019 Alliant Rate Case

Early in 2019, Alliant Energy filed a rate request with the Utilities Board to raise base rates 24.45% for residential customers, 18.36% for general service customers, and 25.29% for large general service customers. Winneshiek Energy District (WED) believes the proposed rate increase is unreasonable, unjust, and discriminatory. We are working with local and state partners to ask the Iowa Utilities Board to do everything in their power to reject the

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The State of Climate Change Education in America

The State of Climate Change Education in America

Luke Forsberg, Green Iowa AmeriCorps Summer Member [View or download the PDF Climate Change Education in Schools Research-2019] “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth” -Aristotle “Climate change should be taught from a young age so there’s no excuse for kids to grow up ignorant of what’s at stake” -Connecticut State Representative Christine

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Energy Savvy Business -Fall Learning Series

Energy Savvy Business -Fall Learning Series

Are you a Decorah Chamber member looking to save money and go green? The Winneshiek Energy District and Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to become an Energy Savvy Business with this four-week course. Attend all four classes or select the ones that are most relevant to you! Don’t own your building? Not a problem – bring your landlord along free of charge. Learn more and register Solar for

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Happy 10th Birthday Green Iowa AmeriCorps!
Happy 10th Birthday Green Iowa AmeriCorps!

Happy 10th Birthday Green Iowa AmeriCorps!

On August 6th we celebrated the Green Iowa AmeriCorps program’s 10th Anniversary with our 9th team: Luke Forsberg (summer member), Maddy Knutson, Katherine Hannigan, and Briana Burke,  (not pictured: Gracie Engle and Ally Peters). The lunch hour celebration consisted of speakers, honoring this year’s teams from eight sites across Iowa. Katherine gave a dynamite presentation highlighting this our 2018-2019 team’s work in northeast Iowa. There were cupcakes, GIA alumni, and

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