Solar Farming Bans Proposed, Solar Prosperity At Risk Throughout Rural Iowa

Rural Solar Prosperity Under Attack In Iowa; Farm Solar Ban Proposed Recent years have witnessed a significant rise of anti-solar activism around Iowa (and the Midwest), and the sentiment is spreading to the Legislature. Efforts are afoot that would effectively ban commercial and utility-scale solar throughout the state, and kill a new rural industry, job-creator, and prosperity engine before it even gets off the ground.   SSB 1077 would ban solar from

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Wind Power in Howard County brings Road Improvements

by Amy Bouska, Board Chair, Howard County Energy District As a result of a renewable electricity standard signed into law in 1983 by then-Governor Terry Branstad, wind turbines have been appearing in Iowa farm fields for decades.  Opinions about the new “crop” vary widely:  Are they a good thing because they help reduce carbon emissions and provide a new export “crop,” or are they a bad thing because they are

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The IRA: A New Year, New Incentives (Including IRA Program Fact Sheets)

Paul Cutting, Energy Planner The first of many new IRA-related tax credits and incentives came into effect January 1, 2023, and include new and updated tax credits for solar, battery storage, heat pumps, electric vehicles and more. We’re also excited about two electrification and efficiency rebate programs, and anticipate they will come into effect sometime late this year or early 2024. Solar, Battery Backup, Wind and Geothermal Tax Credits Following

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Using the Blower Door and Thermal Imaging Camera to Locate Air Leaks

by Paul Cutting, Energy Planner A few weeks back a Decorah homeowner asked me to help locate air leaks in their flat roofed, mid-century home. We picked a cold day, where the temperature difference between the interior and exterior were great, and used the blower door to suck air out of the house and an infrared camera to find breaks in the building envelope. This particular house was built with

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Electrification at 120 Volts

Paul Cutting, Energy Planner Most of us probably understand the general concept and benefits of home electrification. Electrify all aspects of our daily lives–from space heating, water heating, home cooking, to transportation–while at the same time increasing the share of renewables on the power grid. After all, in 2021 about 57% of Iowa’s power mix came from renewables. Grid power aside, electrification presents many challenges and expenses beyond just the

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Ductless Heat Pumps

By Paul Cutting, Energy Planner Ductless heat pumps are exciting for their potential to serve as low-cost, straightforward and simple solutions to home heating electrification. As the name implies, ductless heat pumps use interior units that have incorporated evaporator coils and blowers to deliver heating and cooling to interior spaces. You’ve likely seen interior mini split style wall units that hang close to a ceiling. Along with wall units, there

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A Cleaner Grid Is More Reliable: Winter Version

By Andy Johnson and Warren McKenna Click here to read the pdf version with footnoted sources Here we go again. Grid operators and utilities are issuing dire warnings about looming blackouts this winter, and often linking the threat to the closure of coal plants.  The narrative serves utilities like MidAmerican Energy well, whose parent company Berkshire Hathaway Energy is one of the dirtiest utilities in the nation. MidAmerican would love

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A Cleaner AND More Reliable Grid

Andy Johnson, Executive Director We wrote back in June about how the clean grid of the future can indeed be an increasingly reliable and resilient grid. It was an effort to counter the narrative that reliability will only come through continued reliance on aging (and in fact, increasingly unreliable) coal plants. That narrative continues to be promoted by MidAmerican Energy, whose parent company Berkshire Hathaway Energy ranks nationally in the bottom five of the

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Solar Suitability Rating High Throughout Iowa

Andy Johnson, Executive Director It is abundantly clear that we need more large-scale solar (and storage) to complement the high penetration of large-scale wind in Iowa and promote a cleaner and more reliable grid. Yet the siting of utility solar projects has become increasingly difficult, thanks to a vocal minority of anti-renewable advocates that appear to be increasingly politically motivated and often funded by fossil fuel interests. The University of Iowa’s Hubbell Environmental

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